Being from a different country and not knowing how to drive has made me an expert on public transport I believe. I educated my self about London undergrounds, trams, TFL and what not as I used to travel 1 hour each day for work. But unlike me, my local friends have cars and don't use public transport much. One of my friend brought my attention to two UX problems on ย 'Google maps' recently. 1. On that application in the top tabs bar they have 6 Tabs-( from what we understood from their icons)-Car, train, Walking, man with a luggage, Cycling, flight. But my friend was looking for was bus routes. After certain time we released they have merged bus & train routed under the public transport category. 2. Apparently the symbol of a man with luggage means cab services. Even that was quiet unclear to me.
Instead of using icons alone, consider adding text labels to the tabs in the top bar of Google Maps. This will provide clearer indications of the transportation modes available, including bus routes. By explicitly labeling the tab as "Bus," users will be able to locate and access bus routes more easily.
Redesign the icon representing cab services to be more intuitive and universally recognizable. The current symbol of a man with luggage may not clearly convey the concept of cab services to all users. Consider using a more universally understood symbol, such as a taxi or a combination of a car and a person, to represent cab services. Conduct user testing to ensure the new icon is widely understood and effectively communicates the intended meaning.
Instead of merging bus and train routes under the "public transport" category, provide separate tabs or sections for each mode of transportation. This will allow users to directly access bus routes without having to navigate through a combined public transport option. Organizing the options more clearly will enhance usability and streamline the search for specific routes.
Provide users with contextual help and onboarding tips to familiarize them with the different transportation options available in Google Maps. Upon first use or when accessing a new category, display brief explanations or tutorial overlays that highlight the meaning of each icon and its associated functionality. This will assist users in quickly understanding the available options and how to navigate the app effectively.
Encourage users to provide feedback on their experience with Google Maps, particularly regarding the navigation and transportation features. Continuously gather user feedback to identify pain points and areas of confusion. Use this feedback to make iterative design improvements that address user needs and enhance the overall user experience.